The ability to read music
is of course very important
and useful, but it is merely a tool,
a means to an end.  Especially during
the early years of piano study, reading
music tends to bog down the player, contributing to a wooden unnatural
sound. So whenever we do use 
written music, we’ll continue to
focus on hearing, making sense of
the music, and feeling it
- as outlined above.


Studying piano with me, you’ll develop your abilities in the following areas:

These skills apply to whatever styles of music we explore:


You’ll learn to notice and
understand patterns/structure/form
in music.  Music “theory” will be used practically, to help you make sense
of what you’re playing. This will help you remember music, be less glued
to the individual notes on the page,
and improvise more easily.
You’ll sound better and have
more fun.

making sense of the music

You’ll learn to make
much better use of your ears.
You’ll refine your sense of rhythm,
pitch, timbre and nuance
through exercises and games,
many of which can be done
away from the piano.

We’ll make sure that feeling
doesn’t get lost in the process!
You will hum, sing and move to all
music you learn. Our goals here:
to feel the music
emotionally and physically,
and to have fun with it.
Your playing will become more expressive, fluent and natural.


With my help, you’ll search for
and discover comfortable ways
of getting the piano to do
what you want it to. This process
-the mindful development of coordination-  can be surprisingly interesting
and satisfying. Instead of merely 
“putting in time” with dull, inattentive repetition of material, you’ll learn efficient practice routines which emphasize self-awareness.

physical coordination

ken muir © 2009


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